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Revamp. And Re-create- YOU

The creative butterfly is all brand new, and is one of the reasons I have a feeling I am going back to writing.

Not the way it was but the way it can be.  A break is a break, and I've had a great one.

I'll be returning soon with ideas on revamping a life that is losing momentum and a few ideas as to how you can inspire yourself and re-create the life you want to lead.  It's a lot of fear, but a lot of joy. I'm out of my comfort zone for the first time in a long time, and I am excited.

The blog isn't being revamped, I am. I believe a life can be recreated and reborn.  Not as easy as it can seem to be but it is a powerful process.  You learn to be you.  The person I am meant to be is being created.  The person I was is being revamped.

The way I see myself and how I am more creative or less, is part of the revamp process, and to hell with being just an everyday thing, the creative person in me is scared and the person I can become is fearful, but it is a journey I am happy to be on.

To the journey.


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